If you are interested in mediation or the activities of the INADR and its mission, we invite you to apply to become a Director or Fellow.
Director: $300.00 annually
Directors can:
- Attend and will have a vote in INADR board meetings.
- Be invited to attend and participate as judges at our Mediation Tournaments.
- Be invited to act as a key note speaker at our yearly congress.
- Be invited to write and submit articles for the INADR publication, “The Peacemaker Quarterly.”
- List their information and company website link on the INADR website.
Fellow: $150.00 annually
Fellows can:
- Attend INADR board meetings, but cannot vote.
- Be invited to attend and participate as judges at our Mediation Tournaments.
- Be invited to write and submit articles for the INADR publication, “The Peacemaker Quarterly.”
- List their information and company website link on the INADR website.
**All applicants are subject to review and approval by the INADR board of directors.
Membership Registration Form
If you choose to mail payment:
Please make checks payable to “INADR”
Return the form and registration fee to:
108 N. Walkup Ave.
Crystal Lake, IL 60014